
93% Inbox rate; 55% Open rate; 15% Reply rate.




Needed to grow their lead funnel and brand awareness.


5 Mailboxes set and maintained
3 Months campaign duration
5812 Prospects approached
22085 Emails sent

Campaign results:

93% Inbox delivery rate
55% Open rate
15% Reply rate
38 Sales appointments

WeSoftYou focuses on Balanced Software Engineering. As a software development company, they aim to achieve the perfect balance between cost, speed, and quality through our unique set of 36 quality standards. WeSoftYou navigates the fine line between developing pioneering Web3/AI solutions for startups and delivering robust, high-quality SaaS for the U.S. Government.

The Before Hello team utilized our unique technology and infrastructure as the basis for secure outbound email outreach. We collaborated closely with the client to develop specific outreach strategies for their target audience. Additionally, we established ongoing metrics tracking, maintenance, and reporting protocols to ensure strong deliverability and maximize campaign performance.




They had a great workflow. We found them professional, and they delivered promptly. While working with Before Hello our ROI just keeps growing.
Maksym Petruk - CEO, WeSoftYou

Contact Us

UAE:+971 52 92 72 245

Binghatti Heights, office 409, Dubai, UAE

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