Proper expression

91% Inbox rate; 41% Open rate; 8% Reply rate
Proper expression



Needed strategic support on best cold outreach practices to make the channel as effective as possible


3 Mailboxes set and maintained
3 Months campaign duration
9612 Prospects approached
41040 Emails sent

Campaign results:

91% Inbox delivery rate
41% Open rate
8% Reply rate
37 Sales opportunities

ProperExpression is a full-stack growth marketing agency that prioritizes client KPIs such as revenue, profitability, ROI, and customer acquisition. They combine art, science, and digital innovation to develop creative solutions for measurable problems. The strategies and tactics they implement for clients seamlessly integrate into multi-channel campaigns that directly impact the bottom line.

The Before Hello team utilizes a specialized sending infrastructure, personalized email warming protocols, and campaign maintenance. We cover strategy, deliverability, and copywriting while proactively managing campaigns to optimize deliverability and audience interest. Our goal was to achieve important deliverability metrics and effectively engage prospects.

Before Hello is an exceptionally knowledgeable team when it comes to outbound email. Our whole team learned a lot from them. It has been a real pleasure and we hope to work again soon.
Nikola Ilev - CEO, Proper Expression

Contact Us
UAE:+971 52 92 72 245

Binghatti Heights, office 409, Dubai, UAE

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