
97% Inbox rate; 64% Open rate; 19% Reply rate.



Needed strategic support on best cold outreach practices to make the channel as effective as possible


3 Mailboxes set and maintained
6 Months campaign duration
10520 Prospects approached
37976 Emails sent

Campaign results:

97% Inbox delivery rate
64% Open rate
19% Reply rate
76 Sales opportunities

NovoaGlobal is an MBE/SBE company dedicated to developing high-technology solutions that help communities in the Americas become safer places for their citizens. Road safety and crime prevention go hand in hand and can be effectively tackled with innovative enforcement and educational technology.

The Before Hello team developed a dedicated sending ecosystem focused on security, deliverability, and scalability. They also provided weekly strategy meetings for course adjustments and messaging refinement while ensuring ongoing performance monitoring and reporting.

The Before Hello team are great professionals and experts in outbound email. Highly recommended.
Carlos Löfstedt - CEO, NovoaGlobal

Contact Us
UAE:+971 52 92 72 245

Binghatti Heights, office 409, Dubai, UAE

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