Mindsett Security

96% Inbox rate; 61% Open rate; 22% Reply rate.
Mindsett Security




Lack of new qualified leads for the company, resulting in no new contracts and decreases sales revenue. This presupposed finding a reliable email deliverability partner to approach one of their business areas and raise awareness in a vital market.


2 Mailboxes set and maintained
2 Months campaign duration
1340 Prospects approached
6365 Emails sent

Campaign results:

96% Inbox delivery rate
61% Open rate
22% Reply rate
48 Sales opportunities

Mindset Security is a German-based company specializing in information asset value and security awareness. The team at Mindset Security is composed of highly experienced information security coaches who assist companies of different profiles in implementing high-quality and interactive training programs.

Before Hello’s experts in cold email deliverability provided the Client with confidence as they approached the cybersecurity industry. Our dedicated efforts to ensure that emails are delivered to inboxes through outbound email campaigns have yielded exceptional previously unexplored results. Our experienced team has served as an excellent supplement to the Client’s sales team, and the outcomes are a testament to our success.

Recommendation and 5 stars feedback was left for Before Hello on Upwork.
Florin Oancea - Security Architect, Mindsett Security

Contact Us

UAE:+971 52 92 72 245

Binghatti Heights, office 409, Dubai, UAE

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