Freight Exchange

98% Inbox rate; 63% Open rate; 16% Reply rate
Freight Exchange



Freight Exchange aimed to find an experienced trusted email deliverability partner that could handle one area of their business, bring focus and organization to their email marketing tactics and deliver results.


2 Mailboxes set and maintained
12 Months campaign duration
16838 Prospects approached
57984 Emails sent

Campaign results:

98% Inbox delivery rate
63% Open rate
16% Reply rate
1426 Sales opportunities

FreightExchange is an award-winning automated, real-time digital platform founded to decrease delivery costs and help carriers sell their unused space to shippers. ItsFreightExchange’s dedicated team works with other logistics suppliers, helping them save their freight capacities and decreasing expenses by up to 30%.

This is one of our most successful projects. It’s a classic case when a particular set of instruments proves correct – we deliver the right message to the right people and places, and voilà! – the conversion goes through the roof. We are proud to become Freight Exchange’s trusted email deliverability partner. We hope our cooperation will help them rejuvenate their sales efforts beyond Australia.


Before Hello team was responsive, reliable and great communicators. We will use their services again.
Cate Hull - CEO, Freight Exchange

Contact Us
UAE:+971 52 92 72 245

Binghatti Heights, office 409, Dubai, UAE

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